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Three Easy Rules to Avoid Back Injury

1. Bend at the Hips, Not the Back

Always be sure to bend at the hips–not the low back. Most people believe bending their knees will ensure a safe lift, but this form alone can still lead to a back injury. The most important tip is to bend the hips and keep the upper body upright as much as possible, pointing forward.


2.Keep the Chest Forward
When the chest is kept forward and the body is bent at the hips, the back is kept straight and back injury can be avoided. The back muscles will then be used most effectively for maintaining good posture, as they are designed to do.
When moving the shoulders first, the hips tend to lag behind creating the dangerous twisting that can cause back injury, especially to the joints in the back and pelvis.


3. Keep the Weight Close to the Body.
The further an object is held from one's center of gravity, the more force required to hold that object up. For example, for most people it is not too difficult to hold a gallon of milk close to the chest, but it can be quite difficult to hold a gallon of milk stretched out in front at arm's reach.
This extra force will also run through the lower back. Therefore, the closer the object is to one's body, the less likely it is to lead to back injury.


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